From the Winter 2014 Issue

It’s Time for a New Approach to Mitigate Insider Threats


Richard Park, Director of Product Management, Hexis Cyber Solutions

Recent high-profile national security breaches, such as the Edward Snowden and Bradley Manning cases, underscore the need for a new approach to detecting and mitigating insider threats. One emerging trend is the importance of big data security analytics and automated response. In a March 2012 report Gartner states that “information security is becoming a big … Read more

From the Winter 2014 Issue

Securely Enabling Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)


Jonathan Halstuch, End User Computing Architect, RackTop Systems, LLC

Companies are allowing and embracing Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies within the organization for a multitude of reasons. Reasons for implementing BYOD include increased productivity, simplifying IT, response to employee demand and of course the most popular reason, cost savings. To that end it is important when undertaking the implementation of a BYOD strategy … Read more

From the Winter 2014 Issue

The Data Center of Tomorrow


Mark Gilbert, Director, Business Development, COPT Data Center Solutions

While it might be hard to imagine today, it can be argued that the Data Center of the future will be nothing more than an extremely large USB thumb drive. As absurd as that sounds, with the explosion of connected devices, content creation and Big Data analytics, demand is increasing for storage space. A mind … Read more

From the Winter 2014 Issue

Security in a Mobile World


James Screven, Staff Reporter,

Defining the Problem  As the workplace continues to transform and workers continue to seek out non-traditional work spaces, employees will increasingly work more from mobile devices. Laptops, tablets, hybrid convertibles (laptop/tablet) and smartphones have liberated us from the cubicle, while corporations have benefitted from this mobile device revolution through increased productivity. Mobility, albeit liberating, brings … Read more