Deepfake Technology: Implications for the Future


Caleb Townsend, Staff Writer, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

It has been over a year since Jordan Peele made a video warning us of the impending spike in deepfake technology. In the video, Peele uses ML technology and his legendary Obama imitation to effectively ventriloquize Obama. He effectively makes it appear as if Obama is saying outlandish statements. Since the video’s release, we have … Read more

Denial of Service: Access Denied


Patrick Putman, ,

Denial of Service, girl at laptop, access denied

As an internet user, you have likely experienced an interruption in service at some point. Maybe your favorite website was unavailable. Or perhaps your internet service was completely down. Sometimes this happens due to scheduled maintenance. Other times it happens due to hardware or software issues. However, interruptions are occasionally the result of what is … Read more

Watering Hole Attacks: The Tainted Oasis


Josh Henry, ,

Antelopes at a Watering Hole in the desert drinking

Watering Hole Attacks: The Tainted Oasis Watering hole attacks are still wreaking havoc on targeted groups and institutions around the globe. These attacks target major corporations and financial institutions. However, now they are penetrating these corporations’ servers by trapping a single user. The Name In the wild, there are many predators that lurk in the … Read more

Defense Against Man-In-The-Middle Attacks (MITM)


Jack Warner, ,

MITM, malicious figure stealing card info from a computer, ransomware

What You Need For The Best Defense Against Man-In-The-Middle (MITM) Attacks Man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks involve the interception of communication between two or more digital systems. Because of this, they are both difficult to detect and to resolve. The best solution, therefore, is defense. Unfortunately, that too has its’ challenges due to a varied range of … Read more

ElsaGate: The Problem With Algorithms


Caleb Townsend, Staff Writer, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Elsagate concept, kids on IPads looking shocked and confused

Social Engineering can take many forms. Sometimes it’s a phone call attempting to extrapolate your mother’s maiden name. Other times it is an email attempting to gain rapport and get you to click on a sketchy link.  However, sometimes you get something much more bizarre. Something like Elsagate. In 2017, many news sources started reporting … Read more

Malicious Apps: For Play or Prey?


Josh Henry, ,

Malicious Apps, hand holding phone with a warning sign on it, red background

Malicious Apps Today’s society is adapting to excessive use of cell phones and personal data stored in them. Federal laws have been changed to protect citizens from police authorities rummaging through our cell phones without the proper documentation. Considering that criminals have much less trouble adapting than lawmakers, they are usually one step ahead and … Read more

Pretexting: The Art of Impersonation


Patrick Putman, ,

Pretexting, hacker working on business interface, sinister, animated

What is Pretexting Pretexting is a social engineering tactic that uses deception and false motives. Simply put, pretexting crafts fictional situations to obtain personal, sensitive, or privileged information. Pretexting often involves researching the target prior to the attack. The data collected is then used to manipulate and deceive the victim. The main goal of the … Read more