From the Winter 2023 Issue

Open Source Software Supply Chain Security


Prabhat Pokharel, CEO, Biz Serve IT

OSS Supply Chain Security

As the world moves toward a digital future, so does the competition and pace of the software development environment. It is causing companies to adopt practices that reduce costs and increase the speed of their software development supply chain while gaining a competitive advantage. An effective software supply chain includes planning, procuring, developing, and deploying … Read more

Software Startups: The Shift Left Security Strategy


Prabhat Pokharel, CEO, Biz Serve IT

Software Startups Shift Left Security Strategy

Most modern-day software startups follow an iterative development process with frequent and incremental releases. It encourages teams to “fail early and fail often,” thus preventing disasters. Incrementally released software is developed and tested within a sprint. The goal for such is to deliver customer values by the end of the sprint. But how often is … Read more