From the Winter 2014 Issue

The Data Center of Tomorrow


Mark Gilbert, Director, Business Development, COPT Data Center Solutions

While it might be hard to imagine today, it can be argued that the Data Center of the future will be nothing more than an extremely large USB thumb drive. As absurd as that sounds, with the explosion of connected devices, content creation and Big Data analytics, demand is increasing for storage space. A mind … Read more

From the Winter 2014 Issue



Maureen Thomas, Editorial Board, GovConnects

(Howard County, MD) It is the time of year for reviewing your business plan for 2014 and making a few updates to improve operations. Your New Year’s Wish List probably includes the government avoiding another shut-down, or sequestration disappearing in 2014, or perhaps that the Pentagon will figure out its budget priorities, or all of … Read more

From the Winter 2014 Issue

Security in a Mobile World


James Screven, Staff Reporter,

Defining the Problem  As the workplace continues to transform and workers continue to seek out non-traditional work spaces, employees will increasingly work more from mobile devices. Laptops, tablets, hybrid convertibles (laptop/tablet) and smartphones have liberated us from the cubicle, while corporations have benefitted from this mobile device revolution through increased productivity. Mobility, albeit liberating, brings … Read more

From the Winter 2014 Issue

Building a Digital Nation through Educational Strategies – A Perspective


Leslie Grove, STEM Bridge Coordinator, National STEM Consortium

The National STEM Consortium (NSC) is a collective of ten community colleges in nine states developed to create and implement five, nationally portable, industry certifications. The certifications include Cyber Technology, Composite Materials, Electric Vehicle Technology, Environmental Technology and Mechatronics. The National STEM Consortium also delivered the STEM Bridge, a two part program established to increase … Read more

From the Winter 2014 Issue

Cyber Attacks Aimed at First Responders


Alan S. Tilles, Esquire, Attorney, Shulman Rogers

Best Practice Checklist Developed for PSAP Lines to Minimize Risks If you are a regular reader of this magazine, you are well aware of the problems that denial of service (DoS) attacks can have on a business or an individual. The dangers of cyber attacks on utilities has been written about and discussed over and … Read more

From the Winter 2014 Issue

On the Convergence of Electronic and Cyber Warfare


Anthony J. Stephens Sr., Chief Technology Officer, Cybersecurity Business Sector, The MIL Corporation

Integration of Cyber and Electronic Warfare capabilities has emerged as a principal concern for the U.S. Military. The Air Force, Army, and Department of the Navy are all concerned with developing technologies that will enable Cyber and Electronic Warfare operations from common platforms. The Army has already begun to incorporate, what they’re calling, Cyber Electromagnetic … Read more

From the Winter 2014 Issue

from the{PUBLISHER}


Karen Austin, CEO, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Karen Austin

Greetings,  Welcome to our 2014 Winter issue of the United States Cybersecurity Magazine! We are a quarterly publication, print and digital with realistic page turning featuring articles, stories and advertisements pertaining to all aspects of Cyber ranging from vulnerability to prevention to protection. The year is 2014. We are living in a whole new culture. … Read more

From the Fall 2013 Issue

Loyola Blakefield Cyber Security Team Wins World Title!


Robert J. Robinson, M.S., , Loyola Blakefield

The Loyola Blakefield Cyber Security team took part in the 2013 Global Cyberlympics Challenge ( The competition was open to high school students from across the globe and after a few months of qualifying rounds, the Dons emerged from the finals as world champions. With the recent success of the team, we take a look … Read more

From the Fall 2013 Issue

Companies are Unprepared to Defend Against Cyber Threats,


Protiviti, ,

CIOs are assuming more strategic roles based on evolving risks and opportunities.  Despite broad recognition that cyber threats are more prevalent than ever before, a large number of companies are not adequately prepared to respond to a data breach or IT security crisis, according tofindings from the 2013 IT Security and Privacy Survey byglobal consulting … Read more

From the Fall 2013 Issue

A Strategic Approach to Cybersecurity


Kelly Bissell, , Deloitte & Touche LLP

As cybercrime grows faster than companies can defend against, it’s time for a serious discussion on Cybersecurity. Though many are calling for federal standards and regulations —which may be a matter of time—in their absence, organizations should transform how they think about Cybersecurity.  Regulating our Cybersecurity  In a recent New York Times op-ed, Senators Joseph … Read more