From the Spring 2024 Issue

What’s Next for CMMC 2.0?

John Kerber
Cybersecurity Assessor | ArCybr

Lauren Beward
Senior Cybersecurity Specialist/ Business Development Manager | ArCybr

How to Ready Your Organization for Forthcoming Implementation
Since 2020, the Defense Industrial Base (DIB) has waited for the implementation of the Department of Defense (DoD) Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) program anxiously wondering what it means for the contracting community and the future of defense acquisitions.  CMMC will begin implementation by January 2025, so do not believe any rumors of its demise.

These forthcoming standards have since evolved into CMMC 2.0, which is anticipated for rollout beginning in late 2024.  The DoD published a series of proposed rules, guidance documents, and information collections for a 60-day public . . .

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