
Lauren Abshire, Director of Content Strategy, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Hackers, White Hat, Black Hat, Red Hat, Gray Hat, Hacktivists and Script Kiddies

White Hat, Black Hat, Gray Hat, Hacktivists, we hear all of these names, but what is hacking and who are they? What are the different types of hackers? Why hack? The media has used this term since the 1990’s and it can be traced back further to the late 1980’s. Hacking is the act of … Read more

(In)Famous Hacking Groups


Caleb Townsend, Staff Writer, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

The Different Hacking Groups Hacking Groups are a staple of cybersecurity culture. Since the 1995 release of the movie Hackers, there has been a very specific subset of cultural cliches we associate with all hacking groups. However, some hacking groups aren’t youthful, energetic teenagers or lone wolfs. In fact, some groups are state sponsored, and … Read more

Denial of Service: Access Denied


Patrick Putman, ,

Denial of Service, girl at laptop, access denied

As an internet user, you have likely experienced an interruption in service at some point. Maybe your favorite website was unavailable. Or perhaps your internet service was completely down. Sometimes this happens due to scheduled maintenance. Other times it happens due to hardware or software issues. However, interruptions are occasionally the result of what is … Read more

What is a Hacktivist?


Patrick Putman, ,

Anonymous Hacktivist Mask

Hacking is no longer just about breaking into a computer to steal money or data. Hackers have developed new methods of influencing policy and bringing about change. Especially with society’s heightened sense of political awareness. Subsequently, they are turning internet activism as a way of spreading their idealism. Simply put, a hacktivist is someone who … Read more