Culturing a Healthy SOC Environment with AI


Shigraf Aijaz, Cybersecurity Writer and Journalist,

AI and SOC

Security Operation Center, also known as SOC, plays a critical role in integrated security intelligence technologies and improving the overall organizational cybersecurity. SOC primarily focuses on defending against potential cyber threats, continuously monitoring networks, and developing incident response reports. It functions like a team possessing relevant knowledge and skills and operating from well-defined processes supporting … Read more


How to Become a SOC Analyst


Glenn Mabry, Senior Instructor/Security Researcher, Advanced Security

How to Become a SOC Analyst

A Security Operations Center, or SOC, is one of the most important departments for any modern business. It is here that the organization’s cybersecurity team does their job, monitoring and analyzing their security networks in case of bad actors or other cyber-attacks. Working in a SOC can be extremely exciting, but the journey to that … Read more