From the Summer 2024 Issue

Cybersecurity and Nonprofits


Henry J. Sienkiewicz, Faculty, Georgetown University

Rick Smith, ,

While all companies with an online profile are at risk, nonprofit organizations face significant challenges. Not only are they increasingly targeted by cybercriminals due to their valuable donor data, storage of financial information, and stance on specific political issues, but nonprofits often lack the resources and expertise to adequately protect their online systems and data. … Read more

From the Fall 2023 Issue

Safe, Reliable: A Cyber Duty of Care and Standard of Practice


Henry J. Sienkiewicz, Faculty, Georgetown University

Safe, Reliable

As the alarm clock goes off, a drowsy hand turns on a light switch. Lights go on and lights go off – safely, reliably. Different manufacturers, different processes, same result – safe, reliable. The foundation for this safety and reliability is found in the National Electrical Code, the comprehensive set of rules that govern the … Read more

From the Spring 2022 Issue

4 Regulatory Frameworks: Retain and Grow Your Client Base


Erin Birckhead, Audit Senior Manager, SC&H Group

4 Regulatory Frameworks

When it comes to data security and compliance, both domestically and internationally, companies must appropriately structure and properly equip their internal environments to mitigate risk and issues. In doing so, companies demonstrate that security is a top priority, which can help strengthen their relationships with current clients and elevate their ability to attract and recruit … Read more