From the Summer 2024 Issue

From the Editor-in-Chief


Adam Firestone, Editor-in-Chief , United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Hello, I’m writing this letter four days after the attempted assassination of an American presidential candidate.  Perhaps I shouldn’t be surprised, but political violence in America still shocks me.  That being said, what didn’t shock me was how social media platforms blew up in the aftermath.  Within hours partisans on both sides of the divide … Read more

From the Spring 2024 Issue

From the Editor-in-Chief


Adam Firestone, Editor-in-Chief , United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Hello, I have a well-researched theory that (OK, well-researched by me, and since this is my column…you get the picture) that most cybersecurity wisdom stems from 1970’s punk rock.  For example, in 1977, Joey Ramone graced us with this observation, which was philosophical, pithy, and deeply insightful all at once: I don’t care (he don’t … Read more

From the Winter 2024 Issue

From the Editor-in-Chief


Adam Firestone, Editor-in-Chief , United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Hello, Over the last several decades the terms information security and cybersecurity have become conflated to the extent that they’re used interchangeably.  Information security is cybersecurity is information security.  For sources that do identify a difference between the two, it’s often two sides of the same coin: Information security speaks to the attributes of security … Read more

From the Fall 2023 Issue

From the Editor-In-Chief


Adam Firestone, Editor-in-Chief , United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Hello, It’s easy to think of cybersecurity as a coldly logical space where the deterministic management of machines and software creates a binary reality.  Do the right thing (for values of “right” that equate to compliance with any of a myriad of frameworks), and security ensues.  Do the wrong thing, which is often perceived as … Read more

From the Summer 2023 Issue

From the Editor-in-Chief


Adam Firestone, Editor-in-Chief , United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Hello, Cybersecurity is an interesting word.  It’s often referred to as an “industry,” yet the word evokes imagery not of a factory or a production line but of hyperintellectual technologists tackling mindbogglingly complex technical challenges, electronic ninjas dueling with electric katanas in the ether, and ever-vigilant sentinels protecting the nation from those who would do … Read more

From the Spring 2023 Issue

From the Editor-in-Chief


Adam Firestone, Editor-in-Chief , United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Hello, Imagine a world where a single factory produced 55% of the planet’s food supply and almost all of the nutritious foods that are required for children to develop into, and remain, vigorous, healthy, and productive adults with strong immune systems and sharp minds.  Putting this into perspective, the countries that represent the Organization of … Read more

From the Winter 2023 Issue

From the Editor-in-Chief


Adam Firestone, Editor-in-Chief , United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Hello, In 1813, Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry, reporting on American success in the Battle of Lake Erie, sent the famous line to General William Henry Harrison: “We have met the enemy and they are ours.”  And, as much as I like that American history tidbit, the parody of Perry’s report published by Walt Henry, the … Read more

From the Fall 2022 Issue

From the Editor-in-Chief


Adam Firestone, Editor-in-Chief , United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Hello, We’re in the midst of a national security crisis of epic proportions.  It’s not due to the economy, although it will impact the economy.  It has little to do with the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, although it bears on America’s ability to foresee, deter, and manage such conflicts in the future.  And it’s not … Read more

From the Summer 2022 Issue

From the Editor-in-Chief


Adam Firestone, Editor-in-Chief , United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Hello, As long as I’m being honest, I might as well get this one off my chest:  Not only am I an unrepentant 80s metal-head, and one who’s convinced that music has only gone downhill since about 1988 (sorry, Rage Against the Machine fans), but of late, I’ve become convinced that much of what was … Read more

From the Spring 2022 Issue

From the Editor-in-Chief


Adam Firestone, Editor-in-Chief , United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Hello, Let’s be honest.  All of us in the cybersecurity community think of ourselves, more or less (and more often more than less) as technocrats.  We’re masters of that sterile domain in the ether where everything boils down to sterile ones and zeros (or qubits).  We speak in tongues, our conversations a tent-revival glossolalia made … Read more