From the Summer 2022 Issue

From the Editor-in-Chief


Adam Firestone, Editor-in-Chief , United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Hello, As long as I’m being honest, I might as well get this one off my chest:  Not only am I an unrepentant 80s metal-head, and one who’s convinced that music has only gone downhill since about 1988 (sorry, Rage Against the Machine fans), but of late, I’ve become convinced that much of what was … Read more

From the Summer 2022 Issue

From the Publisher


Karen Austin, CEO, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Greetings, Welcome to the Summer 2022 issue of the United States Cybersecurity Magazine!   As always, we’d like to take a moment to thank our supporters, members, sponsors, contributors, and everyone else who makes the magazine possible.  All of us here at the United States Cybersecurity Magazine remain committed to bringing you, our readers, the … Read more

From the Summer 2022 Issue

Enterprise IoT is Currently Extremely Inadequate – But it Doesn’t Have To Be


Brian Contos, Chief Security Officer, Phosphorus Cybersecurity

The state of Internet of Things (IoT) security across the enterprise and government agencies is shockingly bad. IoT devices are highly vulnerable; therefore, making organizations vulnerable. In many ways enterprise IoT security today is like IT security in the early 1990’s with poor asset inventories, limited patching, and weak credentials, which is to say, enterprise … Read more

From the Summer 2022 Issue

Strategic Cyber Compliance


Mike Shelah, Business Performance Advisor, Insperity

Strategic Cyber Compliance

In March of 2022, after attending a day long cyber conference at the local community college in Carroll County, Maryland,  the featured Keynote speaker for lunch was a risk management specialist, and he shared a brief and powerful story that will now be shared with you. A good friend of his is CIO for a … Read more

From the Summer 2022 Issue

Ukraine is Winning the Cyberwar Against Russia


Alex Haynes, CISO , IBS Software

Ukraine is Winning - Alex Haynes

During the build-up to the illegal invasion of Ukraine in February of 2022, there was consternation among information security professionals about what would happen on the cyber front. The prevailing groupthink at the time was that if countries in the West imposed sanctions, then they would suddenly be subjected to blistering Russian cyber-attacks that would … Read more

From the Summer 2022 Issue

Cybersecurity in the Alamo City: A Global Industry Leader


Jeff Fair, VP, Cybersecurity & Economic Development, San Antonio Chamber of Commerce

Nathan Ramon, Program Assistant, San Antonio Chamber of Commerce

Alamo City

San Antonio has a long history of technological innovation, which has set the course for the city to remain a leader in the cybersecurity industry for decades to come. A contributing factor to the area’s unique success stems from a longstanding military presence, infusing the region with innovators and a trained and ready workforce. Because … Read more

From the Summer 2022 Issue

Using Behavior Profiling to Identify Insider Threats – Part 1


Richard Benack, Principal Investigator, Hiperformance Security


INTRODUCTION Organizations often spend significant time, effort and resources protecting their data and systems from external threats such as hackers, foreign spies, hacktivists, and cybercriminals. Internal threats, often called “insider threats”, are often ignored because they are much more challenging for an organization to address. One valuable tool for managing risk around insider threats is … Read more

From the Summer 2022 Issue

Cybersecurity in Banking and Financial Services Industry: Main Threats, Requirements, and Recommendations


Veniamin Simonov, Director of Product Management, NAKIVO


Finance is in the top 3 industries most frequently attacked by hackers, and for a good reason. Banks collect, store, and process personal information to serve clients, which can easily be misused when in the wrong hands. Consequently, a single data breach or loss incident can cost tens of millions of dollars (the Equifax data … Read more

From the Summer 2022 Issue

Cyber Threat Intelligence Shapes the Future of SOC Operations


Dr. Paul de Souza, President, CSFI

CSFI Cyber Threat Intelligence

Cyber threat intelligence is critical for Security Operation Center (SOC) operators because it provides information about the Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) that attackers use to target their organization. This information can help SOC operators map out the adversary’s kill chain and identify potential Indicators Of Compromise (IOCs). Additionally, cyber threat intelligence can help SOC … Read more