From the Spring 2018 Issue

NotPetya Holds Up a Stop Sign for FedEx


Barbara Bouldin, Director of Technologies Research, SJ Technologies


What Happened On June 27, 2017 the NotPetya malware hit the Ukraine, targeting Kyivenergo, an electric power supplier to Kiev. NotPetya went on to hit a shipping company, Maersk, a pharmaceutical company, Merck, and a delivery and distribution company, TNT Express, a subsidiary of FedEx. Employees in the TNT Express offices faced displays of a … Read more

From the Spring 2018 Issue

Crowdsourced Security – An Alternative to Pentesting?


Alex Haynes, CISO , IBS Software


Crowdsourced security programs have grown in popularity to the point where some enterprises have dispensed with traditional pentesting, using the crowdsourced model exclusively for auditing the security of their applications and infrastructure. What is Crowdsourced Security? Crowdsourced security methodologies invite a group of people (a crowd) to test an asset for vulnerabilities. The number of … Read more

From the Winter 2018 Issue

Blockchain: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly


Kris Martel, EVP of Operations, Chief Information Security Officer, Emagine IT

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Ask an average person if they know what blockchain is and you’ll likely get a deer-in-the-headlights look. Ask the same person if they know about Bitcoin and their eyes light up. Cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, are the most widely recognized technologies leveraging blockchain today. Cryptocurrency markets dominate the media and many want to invest in them … Read more

From the Winter 2018 Issue

The Cybersecurity Technical Workforce: Clarity Needed


Chad Carroll, Chief Strategy Officer, Chiron Technology Services, Inc.

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When the United States Government published the Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative in 2008, cyber education was identified as a critical area of improvement. By 2010, the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) was created.  The NICE Team identified four distinct components of the cybersecurity education mission:  Awareness, Formal Education (K-20), WorkforceStructure (HR Framework), and Professional … Read more

From the Fall 2017 Issue

WHAT THE HASH? Data Integrity and Authenticity in American Jurisprudence


Hilary MacMillan, EVP for Engineering, CyLogic

Legal battles over compulsory data decryption are making headlines. The publicity will likely continue as encryption technology proliferates in both consumer and enterprise markets. The arguments on both sides of this issue merit careful consideration and discourse before any comprehensive policy decision is made or legal precedent is set. One side argues that alternate decryption … Read more

From the Fall 2017 Issue

Security by Design


Jeff Spivey, CRISC, CPP, PSP, Ret. CEO, Security Risk Management, Inc.

A holistic “life cycle” perspective is to prioritize security risk levels of security for the proper governance and management of all security. The future is already here — It’s just not evenly distributed yet.  William Gibson, Neuromancer The complexity of protecting our personal and organizational value is increasingly difficult to navigate.  Similarly, threats come from … Read more

From the Fall 2017 Issue

You Build It, You Secure It


Barbara Bouldin, Director of Technologies Research, SJ Technologies

John Willis, Senior Director, Global Transformations Office, Red Hat

Leading to DevOps In 2006 Werner Vogels, Amazon’s CTO, said in an interview with the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) that developers at Amazon don’t throw software over the wall. His famous quote was “You build it, you run it”. This simple phrase became a battle cry for the DevOps movement.1 In 2017, the process … Read more

From the Summer 2017 Issue

A Case for Collaboration


Chris Castaldo, Senior Director of Information Security, 2U

In my many years of working in cybersecurity, I’ve found the only thing that can truly secure an organization is collaboration. The most important part of “people, process, technology” is the people. No one in their right mind would tell you it’s possible to prevent 100% of breaches — but, through powerful internal and external … Read more

From the Summer 2017 Issue

Web Application Security: Integration or Extinction


Helen Korobko, Vice President of Technology Solutions, Svitla Systems

Web applications have become a primary vulnerability for modern business  Today, almost every enterprise produces, leverages, transacts business or depends upon web or Cloud enabled software. As a result, web applications have become the number one target for malicious attacks. According to Gartner, 80% of attacks target web applications.1 Often, these attacks exploited easily mitigated … Read more