Cybersecurity Market: Trending Upwards


Josh Henry, ,

Cybersecurity Market coins in front of graph

Rising Cybersecurity Market Trends      The cybersecurity market is rapidly expanding in today’s society; and rightfully so. The steady increase in data breaches and threats to our identities show no signs of slowing down. Additionally, the demand for professionals in the cybersecurity market field is rapidly growing According to an article from Cybersecurity Ventures, the estimated … Read more

Hospitality Breaches


Josh Henry, ,

Hospitality Breach picture of Courtyard Marriott

Leaving the Light on for Everyone Hospitality breaches are the newest target for bad actors. Data breaches are making headlines more and more. As a result, large corporations in the hospitality industry are acquiring large targets on their back. Of course, this is no surprise. In fact, this problem has escalated since last year. Needed … Read more

National Cyber Security Awareness Month


Caleb Townsend, Staff Writer, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

National Cyber Security Awareness Month, binary code particles and neon glowing cyber wave. in modern server room

Each October, National Cyber Security Awareness Month rolls around. Sponsored by the National Cyber Security Division, this month encourages us to approach our digital lives with awareness and caution. The NCSA takes time this month to reach out to Americans with tips for cyber hygiene. Additionally, the NCSA provides educational guides to online security. The … Read more

Cybersecurity Services


Caleb Townsend, Staff Writer, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

hand holding cloud connected to apps, raining information, cybersecurity services

There are a lot of common issues that plague your digital devices. Traversing the internet is no simple task in 2018. For example, one in thirteen web requests lead to malware. It is incredible likely that your computer will get a virus at some point in your lifetime. That likelihood grows yearly. This is seen … Read more